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Century 5-10-10-75™  A 100-Year Continuum  of  Faith , Preparedness Industry, and Opportunity

Time in Raleigh:

PAC Idea Submissions Form

If you want to discuss ideas, go the PAC Forum - PSA Ideas

THANK YOU for your interest in submitting ideas for Preparedness Public Service Announcements and other multimedia projects.

Welcome to a new frontier. PAC is the most peacefully aggressive mobilization of this century, to promote preparedness-strong communities, through innovative imagery, messaging, and audio.

We do not offer employment opportunities at this time. We offer learning, interning, and commission earning opportunity. Share the good news that preparedness pays, and you earn income from new members referrals.

Our strategy is simple. 

  • We innovate imagery, messaging, and audio to promote a more collectively prepared, prosperous, and resilient populace

A PSA consists of Three Compensatory Parts:

  • Image
  • Text , Copy, or Meme statement (non-original quotes do not get 5% copyright credit)
  • Audio

When you submit an idea, here's the process it goes through.

  • We review it for compatibility with the PAC Mission

Pass?   Go to Production

  • We match it with an image
  • If it will be come a  30-60 sec PSA, we match it with music, or spoken word and a beat loop

Go to Review

  • Vote up majority?  Yes - disemminate to to public
  • Vote no? Re-Edit for 2nd Review
  • Vote no on 2nd review? Repurpose elements for possible use in another PSA campaign
For PSAs that result in significant market outreach and trackable memberships increase of 1000 new member referrals, based on response to specific PSAs, 5% of the membership fee goes to...
  • Editor
  • Image originator
  • Copy/Text/ or Quote Originator Member (non-original quotes do not get 5% residual credit)
  • Audio contributor
  • Music or Beat Loop, or Voiceover Member

Please review our mission, and our Member Terms and Conditions. With this in mind,  we invite ideas that are compatible with our mission and Member Terms and Condition. There are also submissions we will not consider. We are a private organization and reserve the right to decline idea submissions.

Please complete the form below, with as much info as possible about your idea. Before you submit, be sure to maintain a copy of what you submitted for your records!    Note: if you have problems viewing Google Form, CLICK HERE
To see form in entirety, you may need to auto-rotate your phone.

Community Partners. "Churn" your dollars with enterprises that prosper from YOUR preparedness empowerment. Visit our A-Z "Churn List"  Begin to create your own "Churn List"! 


The Preparedness ADvertising Council is the  new "PAC" in town,  peacefully aggressive grassroots mobilization towards a new preparedness-strong generation. We use imagery, audio, and messaging to promote financial, strategic, faith-inclusive preparedness.

"Prepare Our People!"

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