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Century 5-10-10-75™  A 100-Year Continuum  of  Preparedness Industry and Opportunity

A Tier 1 Preparedness Mutual Resilience Group (MRG)

Time in Raleigh:

Niagara Movement 1905  

Fort Erie, Ontario Canada, was the location of the formation of the original Niagara Movement ,  a civil rights group organized by W.E.B. Du Bois and William Monroe Trotter in 1905. 

It was named for the "mighty current" of change the group wanted to effect and took Niagara Falls as its symbol. The group did not meet in Niagara Falls, New York, but planned its first conference for nearby Buffalo (at the last minute, to avoid disruptions, moved across the Niagara River to Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada). The group of twenty-nine business owners, teachers, and clergyNiagara Movement was organized to oppose racial segregation and disenfranchisement

The fact that our Tour will take place on U.S. soil,  at accommodations in the Buffalo area, attests to how far we have come, by faith, in advancing our rights and entitlement to freedom of assembly and equal access, as Americans.

Niagara Movement 2.0 - What the future holds...

Some events have transformative potential for all of the right reasons. The Eclipse 2024 Niagara Heritage Tour is such an occasion.

For those who attend, community partner, or participate in a myriad of ways to support the Tour, the event represents a symbolic awakening of the spirits of freedom seekers, civil rights leaders, and nation builders, such as Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. Du Bois and members of the Niagara Movement of 1905. As the eclipse unfolds and recedes, the ancestors remain spiritually present, holding us accountable to a new mobilization of economic activism.

The Tour will represent a critical turning-point in the hopes and dreams of African American families and communities, in post-COVID America.  We can seize the moment and  benchmark a new preparedness journey by becoming resilient with sound financial planning, communication strategies, sustainability preparation and community collaborations.

Eclipse 2024 Niagara Heritage Tour is a metaphorical representation of Eclipsing our past, blotting out our mistakes, as we prepare for our future and get ready to build a better world.

A bold new economic continuum, entitled Niagara Movement 2.0, begins.

A Prediction... 

By 2053 it is predicted the average median wealth in the African American community will reach zero. - BET   

"While households of color are projected to reach majority status by 2043, if the racial wealth divide is left unaddressed, median Black household wealth is on a path to hit zero by 2053 and median Latino household wealth is projected to hit zero twenty years later. In sharp contrast, median White household wealth would climb to $137,000 by 2053." - Report: The Road to Zero Wealth -

At iPrep2Thrive, it is our mission to introduce, bold,  innovative economic initiatives and collaborate with community partners to ensure that a bright future awaits all who dare to self-prepare for it. 

Every 4th of July reminds American that our Constitution remains accountable to assuring that ALL citizens have equal access to the freedom to pursue and experience life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

Let us all work together to ensure that the above predictions will never come to be!  Self-Preparedness is the key! 

Perennial Preparedness NC Mission...

We create opportunity  to be financially, strategically, and spiritually prepared and resilient in all seasons!

© Copyright 2020-2023 by Perennial Preparedness NC dba iPrep2Thrive™, PerennialLIFE , Century 5-10-10-75™,  and  PreparednessPAY$

  All rights reserved.

PerennialLIFE , iPrep2Thrive™ , Century 5-10-10-75™, PreparednessPAY$ are trademarks of Perennial Preparedness NC.  

American Flag , PO Box 28775, Raleigh, NC 27611  919.371.8207    

Ephesians 6:11-13  "Put on the whole armour of God...and having done all...STAND"

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