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Century 5-10-10-75™  A 100-Year Continuum  of  Preparedness Industry and Opportunity

A Tier 1 Preparedness Mutual Resilience Group (MRG)

Time in Raleigh:

CashFlow 5-10-10-75™, CashFlow App promotional image

by iPrep2Thrive™ 

is now available on

 IOS logoApp Store and 

 Android device logoGoogle Play 

Save, Give, Spend Smart,Spend Less, Invest... and you'll prosper!

  • CashFlow 5-10-10-75™ automatically divides your income into four “buckets”: 75% Living Expense, 10% Saving, 10% Charity, 5% Community Investment.

Why allocate your dollars using

CashFlow 5-10-10-75™ ?

So that you can be financially empowered and ready, in all seasons, whether it’s a #SHTF emergency or that lifetime opportunity you’ve been preparing for. 

Also, it is through Saving, Giving, and Investing (in your  Kinship Communities) that opportunity, relationship wealth and resilience flourish.

The CashFlow 5-10-10-75™ App is ideal as a first financial "primer" for ages 17+. It acclimates our young people early, to wise spending and good financial stewardship habits that lead to wealth building, wellness, self-preparedness, healthy self-esteem, and regard for our common humanity. 

CashFlow 5-10-10-75 is accurate and personal in revealing the user’s spending, saving, and giving habits, which have every impact on life-cycle preparedness, prosperity, resilience, and relationship wealth.

The "Bucket" allocation percentages cannot be changed...and that's a good thing!

If you find yourself maxing out your 75% living expense bucket and  “dipping” into your savings, community, and charity buckets, that’s between you and the app, and no one else. Many of us experience cash flow imbalance at one time or another!

CashFlow 5-10-10-75 is intended as a financial education tool. It is not intended for use as a primary repository of your financial data or bank information.

Once downloaded, the app's core features work without Internet. This helps conserve data plan consumption by users, and remains fully functional without Wi-Fi.

How to Use your CashFlow 5-10-10-75 App 

• There is no password required to ENTER. 

• To enable a password to protect access to your Income, Deductions, and Transaction Log Data, click on CREATE Password

• Enter a new Password and click SAVE NEW PW 

• To CHANGE Password, enter CURRENT password

• Enter your desired password, re-enter (Confirm) your desired password

• Click on “Save New PW”

• SELF-PREPARE to remember your password! This is an off-grid app. It  has no online Internet back-up or reset functionality! 

• If you forget your password, you’ll need to re-install the app and start over. We suggest using your latest actual bank balance as starting INCOME.

• ALWAYS leave the CashFlow 5-10-10-75 App from the Login Page, or else the app remains Open on the Home Page, where everyone can see your business!


• On first use, click on "RESET" to initialize all “BUCKET” balances to zero. The app is then ready to use.

• Subsequent use of this button resets income balances to zero. There's no UNDO!


• Add Income in text box, in USD format only. Enter Memo. Click ENTER. Your input is split into 5%,10%,10%,75% "BUCKETS”, as shown in the DEDUCT SECTIONS below.

CAVEAT: Entering an amount improperly may result in $NaN result. Do not use any punctuation, other than the period "." to indicate cents,  i.e. 43.41


• Add deduct amount and short memo in desired bucket, and click Deduct icon.

• Amounts will be deducted from total balance, bucket balances will be updated.

• User will be segued to the respective Transaction log.

• Hit the Back button to return to Home Screen


• The LOG record time and date of a Saving, Community Investment, Charity, or Expense entry.

• Click on a row to delete it, or slide right, from left edge to delete it. There is no Undo

• Slide left, from right edge, and click Delete All Rows, to delete all. There is no Undo.

CAVEAT: DELETING a transaction line item or deleting all records DOES NOT REVERSE the math, or alter the CURRENT BALANCES of your BUCKETS!

Thank you for your purchase and support of CashFlow 5-10-10-75™, by PerennialLIFE 


Download & Rate CashFlow 5-10-10-75


5-10-10-75 Sphere

The practice of CashFlow 5-10-10-75™ Financial Stewardship is not just for young people.

Everyone can use CashFlow 5-10-10-75 to improve their financial resilience in all seasons! 

6/1/2023 Update!! In recognition of CashFlow 5-10-10-75™ Prosperity and Resilience Month, throughout June 2023, the original CashFlow 5-10-10-75Excel Spreadsheets for both Personal and Business are available as FREE Downloads.

    Perennial Preparedness NC Mission...

    We create opportunity  to be financially, strategically, and spiritually prepared and resilient in all seasons!

    © Copyright 2020-2023 by Perennial Preparedness NC dba iPrep2Thrive™, PerennialLIFE , Century 5-10-10-75™,  and  PreparednessPAY$

      All rights reserved.

    PerennialLIFE , iPrep2Thrive™ , Century 5-10-10-75™, PreparednessPAY$ are trademarks of Perennial Preparedness NC.  

    American Flag , PO Box 28775, Raleigh, NC 27611  919.371.8207    

    Ephesians 6:11-13  "Put on the whole armour of God...and having done all...STAND"

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